Page 17 - Approved Social Media Framework and Guidelines
P. 17

Since most of the social media platforms are based outside India and are not governed by

               Indian  Laws,  or  managed  and  controlled  by  Indian  regulations,  specific  policies  may  be
               drafted related to information security and archiving. If required the agencies may engage
               with the Social Media Service Providers to work out Service Level Agreements for

               ·       Complaint and response mechanism between the agency and the Service Provider

               ·       Content Storage
               ·       Shared access of the content

               ·       Archival  mechanisms

            Legal  Provisions:    In  India,  the  legal  implications  must  be  viewed  in
               accordance with the law of land e.g. RTI Act, IT ACT 2000 & IT Amendment Act 2008 etc as
               also rules and regulations made thereunder. These policies must be circulated internally to

               ensure uniformity of response. Some of the key sections and their implications that must be
               kept in mind are as under:
               When Government department provides such social media facilities on
                                   its  network,  receives,  stores  or  transmits  any  particular  electronic

                                   record on behalf of another person or provides any service with respect
                                   to that record, they become intermediary under Section 2(1)(w) of the
                                   amended Information Technology Act, 2000.

                                   Section 79 of the amended Information Technology Act, 2000 provides
                                   the broad principle that intermediaries like Government departments
                                   providing social media facilities are generally not liable for third party
                                   data  information  or  communication  link  made  available  by  them.
                                   However this exemption from liability can only be applicable if the said
                                   Government  department  complies  with  various  conditions  of  law  as
                                   prescribed  under  Section  79 of the  amended  Information  Technology
                                   Act, 2000. The said conditions which need to mandatorily complied with
                                   the  Government  department  to  claim  exemption  for  any  third  party

                                   data  information  or  communication  link  made  available  or  hosted  by
                                   them in connection with social media facilities made available by the
                                   said department on their network are as follows:

                                   ·The function of the Government department is limited to providing

                                   access  to  a  communication  system  over  which  information  made
                                   available by third parties is transmitted or temporarily stored; or hosted

                                   ·The Government department does not-

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