Page 22 - Approved Social Media Framework and Guidelines
P. 22
· ·· Great care must be taken to avoid propagation of unverified facts and frivolous
misleading rumours which tend to circulate often through miscreants on social media
· ·· It must be reiterated here that social media should only be one of the components
of the overall citizen engagement strategy and government departments must desist from
using only social media to communicate with their stakeholders.
· Initially, the departments may just aim to post information regularly. For example, if
· ··
it is a Face Book Page, postings may be done at least a couple of times a week and on
Twitter slightly more frequently.
· Ideally, none of the sites should be left more than a week or two without new
· ··
5.1.5 Creating Pilot:
Since social media are relatively new forms of communication, it is always better to test
efficiency and efficacy of such an initiative with a pilot project. Some of principles of
creating such a pilot are given below:
Focussed Objective setting: Initiate interaction for a limited objective or limited to
one topic
Begin Small: It is always better to start small and it is advisable to begin with one or
two platforms.
Multiplicity of access: The chosen platform should typically permit inputs from or
linkages through multiple access devices. This will ensure wider participation.
Content Management: It is not enough just register presence on a variety of
platforms. It is essential that content provided is topical and up to date.
Community Creation: On any social media platform, creation of a community is
essential to generate buzz and sustain interaction.
A detailed guideline on creation and sustenance of community building is placed at
Annexure IV
5.1.6 Engagement Analysis
Social media monitoring must be an integral part of any social media strategy. Social media
data is different from other data or information because organisations have no control over
its creation or dissemination on the Web and in order to understand and analyse the data a
structure has to be imposed externally on it. Today a multitude of tools offer solutions for
measuring conversation, sentiment, influences and other social media attributes. They help
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