Page 24 - Approved Social Media Framework and Guidelines
P. 24

· Follow  the  followers/Leaders:  Follow  your  followers  and  leaders  on  other

                       networks/platforms to hear what is being talked about. This would help in spotting
                       the trends in discussion.

               5.1.7 Institutionalise Social Media:

               The  final  step  in  ensuring  that  the  pilot  is  scaled  and  integrated  is  to  link  it  to  existing

               administrative and communication structure. An indicative list includes:
               ·       rules  may  be  established  that  all  policy  announcements  will  be  undertaken
               simultaneously on traditional as well as social media;

               ·       all important occasions as far as possible may be broadcasted using social media;
               ·       all documents seeking public opinion must be posted on social media sites;

               ·       all updates from the website would automatically be updated on social media sites

               ·       all traditional communications will publicise the social media presence.

                VI.    Conclusion

               The Framework and Guidelines in this document have been formulated with a view to help
               government ministries, departments and agencies to make use of social media platforms to
               engage more meaningfully with their various stakeholders.

               Social  media’s  characteristics  of  connectedness,  collaboration  and  community  have  the
               potential of ensuring broad based consultation, and can help agencies reduce the duration
               of consultation process and receive immediate feedback on services delivered.

               In order to effectively utilise this media, the agencies must define very clearly the objective
               of  such  an  engagement,  select  platforms  that  will  be  used  for  engagement,  rules  of
               engagement, communication strategy for ensuring broad basing such an engagement, and
               finally  if  found  effective  and  efficient  institutionalise  such  social  media  with  mainstream
               engagement process.

               Both in India as well as across the world, various government departments and agencies at
               federal, state and local government level are using this media. However, this is a dynamic
               and  evolving  area  and  continuous  engagement  and  nimbleness  of  response  to  such  an
               evolving scenario will determine the success of such efforts.

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