Page 26 - Approved Social Media Framework and Guidelines
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· Vlogs and Video Sharing sites: VideoBlogs or Vlogs are blogging sites that mainly use
video as the main form of content supported by text. Such sites especially enable those who
may have limited knowledge of English to also share their experiences over internet. Vlogs
are an important category of content over YouTube – the largest video sharing site.
YouTube is a video Live Casting and video sharing site where users can view, upload and
share videos and even leave comments about videos. However, for upload and sharing
registration is required. YouTube is a subsidiary of Google Inc. Since a picture/or in this case
a video speaks a thousand words, it is an excellent platform for sharing progress about
projects. Many government departments including DeitY and Prime Minister’s Office have
uploaded their promotional video content on YouTube.
· Wikis: A Wiki is a collaborative website that allows multiple users to create and
update pages on particular or interlinked subjects. While single page is referred to as “wiki
page” the entire related content on that topic is called a “Wiki” These multiple pages are
linked through hyperlinks and allow users to interact in a complex and non-linear manner.
Many wiki communities are “private” and are used for deliberating upon internal policies
and for knowledge sharing. Currently, based on the information available, no official wiki on
any Indian government policy exists. Wikis are a good option for undertaking “close” web
based interactions. Normally the content on wikis are created as part of “Creative
Commons” and are more inclined towards copy left rather than copyright.
Some of the other popular social media sites include
· SlideShare – Similar to YouTube, here only presentations in PDF, PPT, KeyNote or
Open Office format can be uploaded
· Orkut and LinkedIn – These are two other popular social networking site. While the
former is an open site, the latter is primarily a business networking site
· Picasa and Flickr – These are photo sharing sites
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