Page 21 - Approved Social Media Framework and Guidelines
P. 21

recommended  to  publish  their  own  set  of  additional  protections  to  safeguard  privacy  of

               citizens while maintaining highest levels of transparency of Government bodies.
               ·       If the departments/agencies are collecting personal information on a social media
               platform,  the  same  must  be  stated  upfront.  For  example,  while  seeking  inputs  on  a

               particular  policy,  it  is  may  not  be  necessary  to  save  the  email  id  of  each  and  every
               respondent and just saving the responses may suffice.

               Identity Management: Identity management for the purposes of this document refers to
               management of identities of individual/s who seek to engage with government agencies on
               social media platforms. Such management relates specifically to registration mechanisms,
               delineation of personal identity from official identity of government officials and need to
               engage  in  a  non-anonymous  manner  in  such  consultations.  Towards  this  end,  the
               departments  may  like  to  use  following  or  any  other  suitable  mechanism  to  achieve  the

                   · Provide  for  activation  of  registration  for  engagement  by  seeking  confirmation  of
                       email addresses

                   · Send acknowledgement/responses to queries to registered email addresses

                   · Providing  official  email  ids  and  accounts  to  each  and  every  government  official
                       authorised to engage on behalf of the department and permit use of only official
                       accounts for engagement

               However,  while  applying  the  above,  The  Information  Technology  (reasonable  security
               practices and procedures & sensitive personal data or information) Rules, 2011 stated in the
               preceding paragraphs above must be complied with.

               The relevant sections of the Information Technology Act 2000 are placed in Annexure III
               for ready reference. In addition, the users may refer to any other relevant legislations,

               provisions and rules notified.

               5.1.4 Communication Strategy:

               Some of key aspects of communication strategy include – Integration of Social Media into
               routine, Connection with existing networks, Sharing content across sites and Publicising use
               of social networking through traditional media.

               · ··
               ·       Social  media  can  only  be  used  by  the  Government  to  communicate  existing
               Government information and propagate official policy to the public.

               ·       While  the  social  media  tools  allow  everyone  to  become  a  creator,  for the  official
               · ··
               account,  content  will  have  to  be  specified  and  tailored  to  the  site  on  which  it  is  being

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