Page 16 - Approved Social Media Framework and Guidelines
P. 16 Content Governance:
Content Creation & Social media profiles overlap, therefore sharing consistent content on
all social media platforms should form the bedrock of content policy. While the social media
tools allow everyone to become a creator, for the official account, content will have to be
specified and tailored to the site on which it is being published.
Accessibility: In order to enable wider participation, content creation and availability should
be in Indian languages and must not be limited to text alone. The content should follow the
Government of India Guidelines for Website and adequately address challenges related to
accessibility in Indian Languages as well as accessibility of content for differently abled.
Moderation: A moderation policy should also be published if the platform permits others to
add their own content; this informs people what they can post whilst protecting others who
may visit your platform. The moderation policy should include matter related to copyright,
rights to addition and deletion etc.
Records Management: When any information is shared or guidance given online, it is
necessary to ensure that all relevant records are captured, trail is generated and records are
managed appropriately. It is important that the rules regarding record keeping are states
upfront so that those seeking historical data are aware of statutes and limitations. Some of
the important aspects that may be kept in mind while defining record management
guidelines are as under:
· The requirements for existing legislations e.g. RTI etc. need to be kept in mind and
are paramount in influencing decisions regarding record keeping
· Ordinarily, if online consultations do not impact decision making, lead to or influence
policy making (e.g. seeking information about nodal officers, or any other public document,
or responding to generic comments such as governance should be improved etc.) the
agencies may decide that no record of such interactions will be maintained.
· However, if consultations are necessarily being undertaken on specific policy or
governance issues or that may influence decision making (e.g. inputs into Plan Document,
consultation on policy frameworks etc.) then all necessary records need to be maintained. If
the agency is using a social media site that does not facilitate record keeping, then there are
various other options that may be explored. Some of the options are given below and may
be exercised based on need and resources available:
o Records may be created agency’s internal platform and records be maintained with
appropriate tags e.g. creator/sender, dates, posting site etc.
o Screenshots may be captured and stored in soft or hard (copy) format and filed at
appropriate place.
o A summary may be created of the information/consultation and filed.
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