Page 14 - Approved Social Media Framework and Guidelines
P. 14

Responsiveness: This indicates the how often would the pages/information be updated, in

               what  manner  would  the  responses  be  posted,  what  would  be  the  turnaround  time  of
               responses etc. The major attraction of social media is the spontaneity and immediacy of
               response and feedback and those visiting the site would expect the some kind of response
               within a pre-defined time limit.

               As far as possible, it is important to state upfront the scope of response – given/not given,
               type of response – official/unofficial, response time – 1 day/1 week etc. so that expectations
               are set correctly. Some of the ways to ensure timely response is Email integration i.e. email
               writing,  list  management,  list  building,  proper  lead  direction  so  the  right  internal  person
               takes  actions  on  leads  in  a  timely  fashion  and  Daily  management/maintenance  of  social
               media platform messages, customer contacts, etc.

               Response: While creating a policy for responses, it may be noted that -

               ·       Not all posts/comments need to be responded to immediately and individually. Also,
               wherever a response is required all posts should be kept short and to the point.

               ·       While employees are free to post response in their personal capacity, it is mandatory
               that while they are doing so, they must clearly identify themselves, confidential information
               must not be divulged and should not be seen to represent “official view” unless authorised
               to do so.

               ·       Another important aspect that needs to be addressed is the Escalation Mechanism.

                                    There has to be a defined hierarchy not only of responses but also of
                                     queries. For example, the comments and queries may be classified as
                                     routine  –  for  which  a  Frequently  Asked  Question  (FAQ)  and  Fixed
                                     Response Format (FRF) may be applied.

                                    The     next   level   may    be    queries/comments     related    to
                                     projects/programme, for which no separate official response may be

                                     needed  because  all  relevant  information  may  be  available  in  the
                                     public domain and the query may be responded accordingly.
                                    The  next  level  of  query/comment  may  be  more  specific  where  an
                                     “official”  response  may  be  needed.  Such  a  categorization  will  help

                                     organizations in streamlining their responses.

                                    Finally,  there  should  be  congruence  between  responses  posted  on
                                     social media and those in traditional media.

            Resource Governance
               Allocation  of  Resources:  Since  using  social  media  is  a  resource  intensive  exercise,  it  is

               important to ensure that resources and their responsibilities are clearly marked out very
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