Page 15 - Approved Social Media Framework and Guidelines
P. 15
early. Many organisations have a dedicated team including outsourced resources to manage
their engagement while others primarily uses internal resources. More often than not, it is
advisable to create a dedicated team. One of the key issues that impacts the resource
requirement is whether the conversation is moderated or un-moderated. In case of
moderated conversation, dedicated resource/s is critical. One of the key resources is an
internal champion within the system who can lead the strategy within the department. It is
important to note that since the engagement in social media requires different skill sets, the
champion and other resources identified would require orientation & training specifically
for the tasks assigned to them and keep abreast of the fast paced developments in this
Roles & Responsibilities: The roles and responsibilities of the team responsible for creating,
managing and responding on social media platforms must be clearly defined.
· In Indian context, they may also need to be aligned to roles and responsibilities
defined for responding to RTIs.
· For most interactions, flexibility may be given to the staff to respond to regular
queries or comments.
· Escalation mechanism defined in the governance structure must clearly define
accountability at all levels.
· The role definition must not be limited just to responses, but also include
responsibility for matters related maintenance of login ids and passwords, issues related to
data security, archives, privacy, etc. For example, while the existing web content team may
be assigned the responsibility for responding to usual queries; special technical expertise
may be required to ensure appropriate levels of security.
Accountability: Clearance systems that distinguish between situations when an official
position is required, and when open conversation is appropriate. This has to have at its
heart a redefinition of accountability. The officials designated for engagement with citizen
using the social media should be covered under a well defined immunity provision in
consonance with the RTI Act and the IT Act and the IT Amendment Act 2008.
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