Page 12 - Approved Social Media Framework and Guidelines
P. 12

5.1.1 Define Objectives:

               The objective for the use of social media is not just to disseminate information but also to
               undertake public engagement for a meaningful public participation for formulation of public
               policy.    Government  organisations  are  exploring  the  use  of  social  media  for  public

               engagements  for  disseminating  information,  policy  making,  recruitment,  generating
               awareness, education etc. about public services.  Therefore, Social Media may be used for:

                   · Seeking feedback from citizens

                   · Re-pronouncement of Public Policy
                   · Issue based as well as Generic interaction

                   · Brand Building or Public Relations
                   · Generating Awareness and education on National Action Plans and implementation

               In  the  Indian  context,  care  must  be  taken  so  that  people  can  communicate  in  their  own
               language, and due cognizance of the views expressed in local languages is taken.

               5.1.2 Choosing Platforms:

               Having defined the objectives, the next step is to identify platforms and phases in which such
               an  engagement  shall  be  undertaken  at  these  platforms.  While  social  networks  currently
               seem to be the face of social media, they are not the only platform. Some of the other forms
               of  social  media  include,  Social  bookmarking  site  –  stumble  upon;  transaction  based
               platforms – Amazon & eBay; self publishing media – You Tube, Picasa; Business management
               etc. Since the choices are many, it is essential to identify one or two key platforms from
               which the department may begin interaction. Based on objective and response, the basket
               of platforms may be enhanced.

               Government  departments  and  agencies  can  engage  social  media  in  any  of  the  following

                   · By making use of any of the existing external platforms, or

                   · By creating their own communication platforms

                   · The choice of the platform – whether owned or externally leveraged should be made
                       based on the following factors:

                   · Duration  of  engagement  -  whether  the  engagement  sought  is  to  be  an  ongoing
                       activity or created for a specific time-bound purpose

                   · Type of Consultation – whether the consultation is open to public or confined to a

                       particular group of stakeholders e.g. experts

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