Page 9 - Approved Social Media Framework and Guidelines
P. 9
a “Wiki”. Wikipedia is the pioneering site of this type of platform.
Table 1: Types of Social Media
A more detailed description of the different types of social media, their characteristics is
given in Annexure I
4.4 Core Values for Using Social Media
Unlike other traditional media, social media is more interactive, enables one-to-one
conversation and demands immediacy in response. Also, on such platforms the perception
of official and personal roles and boundaries is often blurred. Therefore, while using social
media for official purposes, the following may be kept in mind to smoothen interaction:
· Identity: Always identify clearly who you are, what is your role in the department
and publish in the first person. Disclaimer may be used when appropriate
· Authority: Do not comment and respond unless authorized to do so especially in the
matters that are sub-judice, draft legislations or relating to other individuals
· Relevance: Comment on issues relevant to your area and make relevant and
pertinent comments. This will make conversation productive and help take it to its logical
· Professionalism: Be Polite, Be Discrete and Be Respectful to all and do not make
personal comments for or against any individuals or agencies. Also, professional discussions
should not be politicized
· Openness: Be open to comments – whether positive or negative. It is NOT necessary
to respond to each and every comment
· Compliance: Be compliant to relevant rules and regulations. Do not infringe upon
IPR, copyright of others
· Privacy: Do not reveal personal information about other individuals as well as do not
publish your own private and personal details unless you wish for them to be made public to
be used by others
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