Page 4 - Approved Social Media Framework and Guidelines
P. 4
· Institutionalisation: How to embed social media in organisation structure
Some of key caveats that the guidelines highlight and must be kept in mind include:
· All accounts must be created and operated in official capacity only
· As social media demands 24*7 interactions, some responsiveness criteria may be
defined and a dedicated team may be put in place to monitor and respond
· There should be congruence between responses on social media and traditional media
· Relevant provisions of IT Act 2000 and RTI Act must be adhered to.
Detailed description and explanations are given in the Guidelines section of the document.
Social Media is being used across the world by different government agencies. The
document also illustrates some examples from India as well from other countries to
demonstrate the purpose and use of such media. It is believed that the Framework and
Guidelines will be useful for departments and agencies in formulating their own strategies
and will help them in engaging in a more fruitful manner with their respective stakeholders.
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