Page 3 - Approved Social Media Framework and Guidelines
P. 3

Executive Summary

               Information  Communication  Technologies  (ICTs)  including  internet  and  mobile  based
               communications are increasingly becoming pervasive and integral to day-to-day functioning
               of  our  lives-  whether  personal  or  official.  ICTs  offer  an  unprecedented  opportunity  of
               connecting  to  each  and  every  individual  and  design  the  communication  structure
               accordingly to each person. Such a structure can be defined and re-defined by both initiator
               and receiver of communication. Such a medium of communication is referred to as Social
               Media  and  it  is  transforming  the  way  in  which  people  connect  with  each  other  and  the
               manner in which information is shared and distributed.

               While at a personal level, the uptake and usage of such media is gaining rapid popularity,
               use and utility of such media for official purpose remain ambiguous. Many apprehensions
               remain including, but not limited to issues related to authorisation to speak on behalf of
               department/agency,  technologies  and  platform  to  be  used  for  communication,  scope  of
               engagement, creating synergies between different channels of communication, compliance
               with existing legislations etc.

               In  order  to  encourage  and  enable  government  agencies  to  make  use  of  this  dynamic
               medium of interaction, a Framework and Guidelines for use of Social Media by government
               agencies in India has been formulated. These guidelines will enable the various agencies to
               create and implement their own strategy for the use of social media. The document will

               help them to make an informed choice about the objective, platforms, resources, etc. to
               meet the requirement of interaction with their varied stakeholders.

               The guidelines provide an in depth review of types of social media, their characteristics and
               challenges  in  their  uses.  In  order  to  assist  the  departments  to  undertake  such  an
               engagement,  the  document  provides  for  a  framework  and  detailed  guidelines  governing
               each  element  of  the  framework.  Briefly,  the  elements  of  the  framework  and  associated

               guidelines are given below:

               The framework comprises of the following 6 elements:

               ·       Objective: Why an agency needs to use social media

               ·       Platform: Which platform/s to use for interaction

               ·       Governance: What are rules of engagement

               ·       Communication Strategy: How to interact

               ·       Pilot: How to create and sustain a community

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