Page 8 - Approved Social Media Framework and Guidelines
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each and every individual. Such an interaction also enables the marginalised to participate in
               discussions  and  present  their  point  of  view,  thereby  improving  the  political  position  of
               marginalized or vulnerable groups. It is specifically useful when seeking feedback on services

               ·       Managing  Perceptions:  One  of  the  big  challenges  for  government  is  to  avoid
               propagation  of  unverified  facts  and  frivolous  misleading  rumours  with  respect  to
               government policies. Leveraging these platforms can help to counter such perceptions and
               present the facts to enable informed opinion making.

               4.3  Types of Social Media

               Kaplan and Haenlein in 2010 classified social media into six different types: collaborative
               projects, blogs and microblogs, content communities, social networking sites, virtual game

               worlds, and virtual social worlds.  A brief description of some of the most common types of
               social media is given below:

               Platform Type     Description

                                 Social  Networking  is  an  online  service  that  enables  its  users  to  create
                                 virtual  networks  with  likeminded  people  akin  to  social  networks  in  real
                                 life.  It  often  offers  the  facilities  such  as  chat,  instant  messaging,  photo

                                 sharing,  updates,  etc.  Currently,  social  networking  sites  are  the  most
                                 prominent version of social media. FaceBook with 800 million users is one
                                 of the most well known social networking site.
               Blogs             Blogs are descriptive content pages created and maintained by individual
                                 users and may contain text, photos and links to other web sites. The main
                                 interactive feature of Blogs is the ability of readers to leave comments and
                                 the comment trail can be followed.

               MicroBlogs        MicroBlogs are similar to Blogs with a typical restriction of 140 characters
                                 or less, which allows users to write and share content. Twitter is the most
                                 well known microblogging site.

               Vlogs       and  VideoBlogs or Vlogs are blogging sites that mainly use video as the main
               Video  Sharing  form of content supported by text. YouTube is the largest video sharing

               sites             site.

               Wikis             A Wiki is a collaborative website that allows multiple users to create and
                                 update  pages  on  particular  or  interlinked  subjects.  While  single  page  is
                                 referred to as “wiki page” the entire related content on that topic is called

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