Page 13 - Approved Social Media Framework and Guidelines
P. 13

· Scope of Engagement – whether the consultation requires daily, weekly, bi-weekly or
                       even hourly interaction
                   · Existing  Laws  –  whether  existing  laws  permit  use  of  such  platforms  and  the

                       requirement under such laws regarding data protection, security, privacy, archiving

               5.1.3 Governance Structure:
               Since use of social media is a 24*7 engagement, the extant rules and regulations of media
               interaction do not fully apply to them.

               Two most important aspects of social media are its:

               ·       viral characteristic – news spreads exponentially; and

               ·       demand  for  instant  gratification  –  queries,  responses  and  counter-responses  are
               posted instantaneously.

               However,  since  the official  pages  of departments  must  reflect  the  official  position,  some
               measure of control must be included in the flexible design of communication.

               Just as rules and regulations exist for interaction with traditional media, similar rules must
               be created for engaging with social media.

               Some of the key aspects of such a governance structure include:

      . Account Governance

               Account  Creation:  A  social  media  account  establishes  an  organisation’s  online  identity.
               Wherever  possible,  the  same  name  for  the  different  social  networking  accounts  may  be
               adopted to ensure ease of search on the internet. Another important facet of online identity
               is the need for it to be rendered effectively in either long form e.g. website address or in 15
               characters or less (this is the Twitter maximum).

               Login and passwords: Each new account requires a URL, user name and/or email address
               and  a  password.  A  proper  record  of  login  ids  and  password  must  be  maintained.  This  is
               critical as multiple people may be authorised to post on behalf of the department.

               Account  Status:  It  is  important  to  define  whether  the  engagement  may  be  undertaken
               through official accounts only or the officials may be permitted to use personal accounts
               also  for  posting  official  responses.  It  determines  who  says  what  on  behalf  of  your
               organisation and in what form it is published. It also outlines how each piece of published

               information is presented where it is published. The most important aspect is whether the
               responses are in Official or Personal Capacity.

            Response and Responsiveness:

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