Page 23 - Approved Social Media Framework and Guidelines
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in discovering conversations about project and organisations and can be used to proactively
engage with stakeholders. The Social Network Analysis (SNA) Software facilitates both
quantitative as well as qualitative analysis by mining the raw data and combining it with
individual and socio matrix. While some SNA software also have the features that enable
them to import and/or store databases from social network, others perform preferential
analysis to predict individual level or network outcome. Many social media monitoring
platforms offer demographic information such as age and location. This information can be
used to expand the reach of your platform by creating a geo-targeted campaign focused on
areas that generate the most traffic to your social media site.
Some considerations for Data Analysis include:
· Data Definition: Selection of platforms, pages and/or organizations
· Depth and detail of analysis on each page: Areas or sections of the page to analyze
(Wall, Discussion board, Pictures, etc.)
· Time-frame: Last one month etc.
· Criteria for determining the importance of the pages: notability, popularity,
intentions/goals of pages, etc.
Some of challenges encountered in analysis may be related to
· Overlapping functions of posts: many comments and responses serve multiple
· Difficulties in disentangling "push" messages from "pull" messages
· Inexhaustible range of topics that extend beyond your area of interest
· Unpredictable patterns of conversation and user exchange
These challenges may be mitigated by taking the following steps:
· Limit Scope of Analysis: Making a small start and defining Top 5 or 10 metrics may
help organise the Data e.g. No. of mentions, No. of comments on specific posts, No.
of retweets, No. of likes or shares etc.
· Creation of Dashboard: There are many free tools available that can help create a
dashboard view of the data which can be pulled in through RSS feeds. This will help
keep tab on latest happenings
· Connect with responders: It is a good idea to collate information/link to profiles
about people who respond to queries or topics of your organisations interest, also
observe their preference of response – individual mail, wall posting etc. Over a
period of time this will help generate a broad profile of people who respond to your
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