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CH 04 Scope of Content
Portal for wider access.
c. Announcements should be worded in simple English/Regional language
depending on whom they are meant for.
4.3.3 Discussion Forums & Chat Rooms
Discussion forums are becoming an increasingly popular tool for sharing
viewpoints and information. Discussion Forums could be initiated by a
Department on any relevant topic of public interest and can prove quite useful in
obtaining opinions and viewpoints of the citizens on issues important for policy
making. Departments should use MyGov platform to conduct discussions.While
initiating an online discussion forum through any platform, the following should
be kept in mind:
a. The purpose and objective of the Discussion Forum should be clearly
defined. Preferably, an initiating document or background paper
explaining the topic of the forum may be provided on the site.
b. Clear-cut Terms and Conditions for posting content in the Discussion
Forum should be indicated. Policy related to content that must not be
posted in the discussion forum (see box) should be defined.
c. The discussion forums on a Government website should be moderated
so that there is some control to avoid publishing unwanted content on
the website. All the inputs submitted by the users may be reviewed by the
moderator for context and appropriateness of the language or a provision
for marking the post as spam may be provided to the users of the forum.
d. The discussion forum should be open for a limited period of time and
the validity of the same should be prominently indicated on the site.
However, rather than closing the forum abruptly, it is advised that a
summary of the inputs received as well as an Action Taken Report,
if possible, should be provided on the website so that the visitors are
assured that their inputs are being seriously considered and valued by the
Chat Rooms
Chat rooms on a website could be used by citizens to exchange their viewpoints
on some common topic amongst each other as well as by the Departments
to facilitate an online conversation between a senior functionary and citizens.
Like Discussion Forums, Chat rooms should also follow a Policy related to
content that must not be posted by the users (see box). It is desirable that the
participants of an online chat through a Government Department’s website be
registered before they are allowed to login and post their messages. Permanent