Page 57 - GIGW2
P. 57
for Indian Government Apps & Websites
chat rooms should be monitored frequently. In case of temporary or special
occasion chat sessions with a senior functionary, it is advised that questions be
submitted to the interviewee, before being published in the chat room.
Online Discussion Forum: Usage Policy
A Usage Policy should be established and published alongside all online
discussion forums and chat rooms on a Government website. This policy
should be prominently displayed to any new user who should be made to pass
through a page with this information before being able to input data. The
usage policy should clearly specify that the following is forbidden:
• Insulting, threatening or provoking language.
• Inciting hatred on the basis of race, religion, gender, nationality or
sexuality or other personal characteristics.
• Swearing, using hate-speech or making obscene or vulgar
• Libel, condoning illegal activity, contempt of court and breach of
• Spamming, i.e. adding the same comment repeatedly.
• Impersonating or falsely claiming to represent a person or
• Posting in a language other than the language of the website.
• Invading people’s privacy or Posting off-topic comments.
4.3.4 Related links
For every content topic in different modules of the website, a section should be
provided for ‘Related Links’ to the concerned information.
a. Each content topic covered in the website may have some Related Links
to other Government websites which provide further details on the topic.
b. For every Related Link, the complete URL of the Homepage/Concerned
webpage should be provided correctly along with the complete title of
the Website which shall appear on the screen.
c. The validity and accuracy of the URL should be checked on a regular
basis to make sure that the information is relevant and the linked address
is correct.
Only Government websites/webpages should be provided as ‘Related Links’ for
further information since there is no control over the veracity and availability of
information on private websites.
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