Page 17 - GiGW3
P. 17

3.  New features of GIGW 3.0

             Quality                                                                                      3.2

             T            he key thrust of GIGW 3.0 is on       creators must also be supported with the right

                          enhancing user interface and user
                                                                tools and technologies for accessible content
                          experience (UI and UX) of
                          implementation of user-centric        GIGW 3.0 stresses on API level integration with
             information architecture (IA) to ease the user     platforms    like  India   Portal,   DigiLocker,

             journey and  provide  content as per the  user     Aadhaar-based identity, single sign-on, data
             pro le.  To ensure the quality of content          and citizen  engagement platforms,  language
             throughout the lifecycle of the website, GIGW      translation  tools  to  enable  seamless  content
             guides on the provisioning of a centralised        and data   ow  among the  di erent web
             monitoring dashboard to identify the issues and    initiatives of government organisations. Social

             provide alerts on non-conformity. Content          media integration also needs to be ensured.

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