Page 12 - GiGW3
P. 12
2. Scope and objective
Scope and objective 2.0
T his document websites and government solutions in the Indian web space.
policies and guidelines for Indian
These guidelines address common issues and
Applications at any organisational
organisations face during development and
level and belonging to both practical challenges that government
Central Government as well as State management of their websites/apps. The
Governments (including district guidelines aim to assist government
administrations and local governments) for organisations in ensuring that their
making Indian government websites/apps websites/apps conform to a consistently high
user-centric, more user-friendly and secure. standard. This is expected to enhance the trust
Conformity with these guidelines will ensure a level of the citizens while accessing
high degree of consistency and uniformity in government information and availing of
the content coverage, presentation security services online.
and accessibility and promote excellence in