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1. Introduction

             society and government organisations. GIGW          guidance to government organisations on how                                                       same. Such guidance and advisories issued by        all government organisations and their

             2.0 took note of the standards evolved by           to leverage public digital infrastructure devised                                                 CERT-In from time to time should be treated as      implementation and evaluation partners.
             international bodies like the world-wide web        for whole-of-government delivery of services,                                                     updates  to the guidance contained in the           Government organisations are expected to
             consortium (W3C) and advancements in                bene ts and information. These cover aspects                                                      chapter on cybersecurity and any assessments        carefully  assess  their  existing  websites, web
             technology. It also included guidance on mobile     such as API level integration for use of                                                          or audit carried out with reference to GIGW 3.0     portals, web applications and mobile apps
             apps.                                               integration with social media, India Portal,                                                      should also be cognizant of the same. Further,      against GIGW 3.0, identify areas requiring

             This version is the third version of GIGW (GIGW     DigiLocker,  Aadhaar-based  identity,  single                                                     while government organisations may continue         improvement,     draw     up    time    bound
             3.0). While the earlier versions were formulated    sign-on,  data  sharing  in  open  formats  on  the                                               to establish conformity with GIGW 3.0 by            implementation plans to achieve conformity
             in-house with external inputs, GIGW 3.0 has         government’s data platform, government’s                                                          obtaining Certi ed Quality  Website (CQW)           with GIGW 3.0 and obtain CQW certi cation

             been formulated jointly with Standardisation        scheme discovery platform, government’s                                                           certi cation  from  the  STQC  Directorate,  the    from the STQC Directorate. Similarly, websites,
             Testing and Quality Certi cation (STQC)             citizen engagement platform MyGov, AI-based                                                       certi cation of cybersecurity aspects by STQC       web portals, web applications and mobile apps
             Directorate of the Ministry of Electronics and      Indian language translation tools, seamless                                                       may be done on the basis of the “safe to host”      that are at the design or implementation stage
             Information Technology and Indian Computer          content/data    access    across    web-based                                                     certi cate issued by the cybersecurity auditors     may also be reviewed to ensure that their
             Emergency  Response  Team  (CERT-In),  so  that     solutions of government organisations. GIGW                                                       empanelled by CERT-In/STQC or the auditors of       design, architecture, development and scope of

             the experience of conformity with GIGW              3.0 o ers upgraded guidelines on accessibility                                                    STQC or NIC.                                        audit  conform  to GIGW  3.0 and  requisite
             gathered by the STQC Directorate auditors and       of websites and apps, with a view to make                                                         To  make  the  guidelines  more  readily  usable,   approvals, resources etc. are tied up to ensure
             the cybersecurity experience and knowledge of       access to cyberspace more inclusive. In view of                                                   which entity/person has a role in implementing      this.

             CERT-In also inform the GIGW. As in earlier         incorporation of comprehensive guidance in                                                        a particular guideline has been identi ed in        While GIGW embodies general guidance for
             versions, GIGW 3.0 too has also been formulated     this version on apps as well (in addition to                                                      every guideline. Thus, each guideline speci es      government websites, web portals, web
             in association with industry and experts.           websites), this version is titled “Guidelines for                                                 whether the same is to be acted upon by the         applications and mobile apps, particular
             The key thrust of GIGW 3.0 is on o ering speci c    Indian  Government  Websites  and  Apps”.                                                         government organisation concerned or the            website/app use cases may require adoption of
             guidance to government organisations on how         However, since the acronym GIGW gained wide                                                       developer or the evaluators.                        higher norms and speci c technologies.
 n recent years, digital technologies have   (NIC) formulated the Guidelines for Indian
             to improve the user interface and user              currency, the acronym has been retained, with                                                     The e ectiveness of GIGW 3.0 in enhancing ease      Government  organisations  may  keep  this  in
 increasingly  contributed  to economic   Government Websites (GIGW) in the year 2009.
             experience (UI and UX), by incorporating            the letter “W” being signifying “Websites and                                                     of living through various web-based initiatives     mind    while    formulating    their   design,
 growth and citizen empowerment.   GIGW aims to ensure quality and accessibility of
             features such as intuitive page loading (using AI   Apps”.                                                                                            of the government would depend on their             architecture and scope and may consult NIC in
 These  technologies have  become   government  guidelines, by o ering  guidance
             and analytics) based on user journey and user       A chapter on cybersecurity, formulated by                                                         e ective implementation in letter and spirit by     case they desire technical advice in the matter.
 ubiquitous in everyday life and enable   on  desirable  practices  covering  the  entire
             pro le,    using    state-of-the-art    content     CERT-In, has also been incorporated so that
 people to access various services from the   lifecycle of websites, web portals and web
             management      system    (CMS),    user-centric    GIGW can serve as a single point of reference on
 comfort of their homes. Government has   applications, right from conceptualisation and
             information architecture (IA), centralised          all the relevant aspects — quality, accessibility
 established web presence through multiple   design to their development, maintenance and
             monitoring dashboard to identify and provide        and security — relating to websites, web
 websites,  web portals, web applications  and   management.  The  Department  of
             alerts on non-conformity and technical              portals, web applications and mobile apps.
 mobile apps that o er information and services   Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances
             enablement of all content creators and              Since cybersecurity requirements undergo
 to the public. However, inconsistency in   made the same a part of the Central Secretariat
             publishers.                                         continuous evolution in light of emerging
 conventions,  layout  standards,  navigation   Manual of O ce Procedure.
             GIGW 3.0 also signi cantly enhances the             threat   scenarios,    threat   vectors    and
 strategies  and technologies  adopted can   The  second  version  of  GIGW  (GIGW  2.0)  was
             guidance on the accessibility and usability of      technologies, CERT-In continuously issues
 reduce the e ectiveness of websites/apps.  developed in 2019, taking into account
             mobile apps, especially by o ering speci c          updated guidance and advisories to address the
 In this context, the National Informatics Centre   feedback from and consultations with industry,

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