Page 16 - GiGW3
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3. New features of GIGW 3.0
T he new version of the guidelines has several enhancements to make it more user
centric, accessible, secure and at par with the global best practices and latest
technological benchmarks. This version was reorganised to ease adoption and
implementation and ensure wider conformity with GIGW. The following major
enhancements have been included in the current version.
Structure 3.1
The new version of the guidelines is structured so as to reduce ambiguity and provide clarity on the
roles and responsibilities of the implementers. The guidelines are structured under the following
(a) Statement: Requirement or checkpoint to respective WIM nominated by the organisation.
meet the particular guideline. (d) Developer action: Specific tasks and
(b) Benefits: Positive outcomes achieved by actions a developer is responsible for in order
following the requirements, such as improving to comply with the guidelines and ensure the
user experience, accessibility, security and website/app meets the desired standards of
trust-building with citizens. quality, usability and effectiveness.
(c) Government organisation action: Actions (e) Evaluator action: Refers to testing of the
pertaining to the owner government website/app manually or with automated tools
organisation. These will be undertaken by the to verify conformity with this checkpoint.