Page 18 - GiGW3
P. 18

3.  New features of GIGW 3.0

             Accessibility                                                                                3.3

             A            ccessibility guidelines for web       disabilities, users with low vision and users with

                                                                disabilities on mobile devices.
                          content have been formulated by
                          W3C and are known as the web

                          content accessibility guidelines
                                                                additional requirements to ensure that
                          (WCAG). GIGW 2.0 was compliant        GIGW 3.0 has been upgraded to include these
             with version  2.0 of WCAG,  however  in the        websites/ apps can be used by the widest

             recent past WCAG has been upgraded to              possible audience. The current version ensures
             version 2.1 which inherits its requirement from    conformity with Level AA of WCAG 2.1. In all 17
             WCAG 2.0 with additional guidelines to             new success criteria have been added to the
             improve accessibility guidance for three major     new version.
             groups: users with cognitive or learning

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