Page 25 - GiGW3
P. 25

4.  Focus areas

             Q3. Without correct copyright policy, any information on the website/app may be copied, repro-
             duced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed without any consent.
             Q4. The overall quality of a website’s content can be degraded if the authenticity and relevance

             of the ‘linked’ information is not defined through hyperlinking policy.
             Q5. Without terms and conditions on websites/apps it is difficult to uphold and maintain the trust
             imposed on them by the users to the sites, the government websites/apps should not out rightly
             ‘disclaim’ the content of another government website/app.
             Q6. If Content is not selected keeping the audience in mind, people from diverse professional,

             educational and demographic backgrounds cannot easily comprehend the same.
             Q7. People cannot get the right information from the website/app if Content is not up to date,
             incomplete, inconsistent or scattered.

             Q8. Users cannot identify an authenticated government website.
             Q9. Websites/apps with poor design methodology may not be accessible with slow internet
             Q10. Without feedback and help sections, users will not be able to participate in the improvement
             of website/app quality and the government organisation will not be able to get the information

             regarding problems faced by users.

             Accessibility                                                                                4.2

             Web accessibility means that people with

             disabilities can also perceive, understand,
             navigate and interact with the Web and that
             they   can   contribute    to   the   Web.    It
             encompasses all disabilities that affect access

             to the Web, including visual, auditory, physical,
             speech, cognitive and neurological disabilities.
             The website/app  should be designed  and
             developed in such a way that they are

             accessible by all people, whatever may be their
 Q1. Websites/apps can have inconsistent and outdated content on a website/app if the responsi-  hardware, software, language, culture, location,
 bility and ownership of the website/app is not assigned to a person or team.   or physical or mental ability.

 Q2. People may not be able to get the information about the website/app.

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