Page 27 - GiGW3
P. 27
4. Focus areas
A6. If the content is not robust enough to be interpreted reliably by a wide variety of user agents,
including assistive technologies, the content becomes inaccessible to large audiences suffering
from different impairments.
A7. People who do not understand English language cannot access website/app content and
A8. The government organisation concerned can face legal actions as per national and
international laws if the content of the website/app is not accessible.
A9. Labels or instructions are not provided when content requires user input, which jeopardises
the security or purpose of the content.
Cybersecurity 4.3
Cybersecurity is the activity of protecting homepages. Millions of passwords, email
websites/apps from unauthorised use, access, addresses and credit card details have been
changes, destruction, or disruption. leaked into the public domain exposing
website/app security can be a complex (or website/app users to both personal
even confusing) topic in an ever-evolving embarrassment and financial risks. The
landscape. GIGW provides a clear framework purpose of website/app security is to prevent
for website/app owners seeking to mitigate risk such risks.
and apply security principles to their web Website/app security requires vigilance in all
properties. aspects starting from requirements through
It is important to keep in mind that security is design and implementation to testing and
never a set-it-and-forge-it solution but is a deployment. Organisations should implement
continuous process that requires constant appropriate security analysis, defences and
assessment to reduce the overall risk. countermeasures for protection of a
Sometimes websites/apps become website/app against malfunctioning, phishing,
unavailable due to denial-of-service attacks or cyber-crimes, or cyberattacks to avoid data
display modified information on their loss of the organisations or customers.
A1. Visually impaired people cannot access the content.
A2. People with epileptic may get seizures if the website/app has content which blink very fast.
A3. Hearing/Auditory impaired people cannot access the content.
A4. People with cognitive Disability cannot access the time dependent function/content which
does not have pause/extend/back/ forward options.
A5. People with Locomotor/Physical Disability cannot access the whole content present on the