Page 26 - GiGW3
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4. Focus areas
Legal provisions 4.2.1 A6. If the content is not robust enough to be interpreted reliably by a wide variety of user agents,
including assistive technologies, the content becomes inaccessible to large audiences suffering
from different impairments.
A7. People who do not understand English language cannot access website/app content and
The United Nations General Assembly adopted its Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities on the 13th day of December 2006. India is a signatory to the Convention and has
A8. The government organisation concerned can face legal actions as per national and
ratified the Convention on the 1st day of October 2007. To implement the Convention, India has
international laws if the content of the website/app is not accessible.
enacted the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 on 27th December, 2016. With regard to
A9. Labels or instructions are not provided when content requires user input, which jeopardises
ICT, one of the important provisions in the act is that all contents available in audio, print and
the security or purpose of the content.
electronic media must be in accessible format.
International Guidelines and Standards
(WCAG) 4.2.2
W3C’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) covers a wide range of recommendations for
making Web content accessible. Implementing these guidelines will make content accessible to
persons with disabilities. Details are available at
GIGW has been developed in accordance with level AA of WCAG 2.1 which are the latest guidelines
on accessibility.
Risks associated with non-conformity
with accessibility guidelines 4.2.3
A1. Visually impaired people cannot access the content.
A2. People with epileptic may get seizures if the website/app has content which blink very fast.
A3. Hearing/Auditory impaired people cannot access the content.
A4. People with cognitive Disability cannot access the time dependent function/content which
does not have pause/extend/back/ forward options.
A5. People with Locomotor/Physical Disability cannot access the whole content present on the