Page 78 - GIGW2
P. 78

CH 06      Design

                     6.6.2  Size of image files should be minimised

                           The size of image files should be reduced as much as possible to minimise the
                           download time of web pages. A variety of techniques can improve the download
                           time of pages:

                            • Scaling  of  images  should  be  avoided  as  they  tend  to  distort  when  scaled.
                               Instead, a correct size should be prepared in image processing software.
                            • A thumbnail (a smaller version) for a large image and link to the full-size copy
                               should be provided where appropriate.

                     6.6.3  Images and other non text content MUST be made Accessible

                            •  A  meaningful  explanatory  text  equivalent  MUST  be  specified  for  images
                               and  other  non  text  content  e.g.  by  using  the  ALT  attribute.  The  ALT
                               text  for  an  image  is  displayed  before  the  image  is  fully  downloaded.  It
                               is  the  main  source  of  image  information  for  users  of  text-only  browsers,
                               users  of  browsers  with  graphics  turned  off,  and  users  who  are  sight
                               impaired. The description should summarise the content or purpose of the
                               image.  For  example,  to  use  the  description  ‘Picture’  to  explain  a  graphic
                               does  not  serve  any  purpose.  The  following  situations  are  exceptions:

                               (i) If the non text content is a control or accepts input e.g. a submit button
                               then it must have a name describing the purpose of the control.

                               (ii)  If  the  non  text  content  is  time  based  media  (audio/video)  then  the
                               text equivalent provides a descriptive identification of the same.

                               (iii)  If  non-text  content  is  a  test  or  exercise  that  would  be
                               invalid  if  presented  in  text,  then  text  alternatives  at  least
                               provide descriptive identification of the non-text content.

                               (iv)  If  non-text  content  is  primarily  intended  to  create  a
                               specific   sensory   experience,   then   text   alternatives   at   least
                               provide descriptive identification of the non-text content.

                               (v) CAPTCHA: If the purpose of non-text content is to confirm that content
                               is being accessed by a person rather than a computer, then text alternatives
                               that identify and describe the purpose of the non-text content are provided,
                               and alternative forms of CAPTCHA using output modes for different types of
                               sensory perception are provided to accommodate different disabilities.

                               (vi) If non-text content is pure decoration, is used only for visual formatting,

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