Page 81 - GIGW2
P. 81


                                                               for Indian Government Apps & Websites

                      The  organisation  and  navigation  scheme  of  the  content  in  the  website  should
                      be  either  categorised  by  subject  (topic,  tasks,  services,  life  events),  by  audience
                      group,  by  geographic  location,  or  by  any  combination  of  these  factors.  Web
                      information  managers  should  analyse  the  wants  and  needs  of  citizens  and  other
                      intended  target  groups  when  organizing  the  content  of  Government  websites.

                      6.8.1  It must be possible for a visitor to reach the Homepage from any other page in
                             the website.

                      6.8.2  Navigational mechanisms that are repeated on multiple Web pages within a set of
                             Web pages MUST occur in the same relative order each time they are repeated,
                             unless a change is initiated by the user. (Ref. WCAG 3.2.3)

                      6.8.3  Navigation items of the same type should look and behave the same way. For
                             example, if a set of pages on one topic has subtopic links in the left navigation
                             bar, pages on other topics should also have subtopic links in the left navigation
                             bar that look and behave identically.

                      6.8.4  Links to under construction pages MUST be avoided as far as possible.

                      6.8.5  Each page MUST be a standalone entity in terms of ownership, navigation and
                             context of content.

                      6.8.6  List of all levels between the homepage and current page should be provided on
                             each page (as breadcrumbs).

                      6.8.7  Navigation to external websites should be enabled in such a manner that the
                             external website opens in a small sized browser window. This is to ensure that the
                             context remains on the screen for the visitor.

                      6.8.8  Web pages and applications often have content that is repeated on other pages
                             or screens (for example navigation links, heading graphics, banner frames etc).
                             A sighted user can ignore the repeated material by focusing on the main content
                             area but it is not possible for a person using a screen reader as the content is
                             read sequentially. Therefore Web pages MUST provide a mechanism to bypass
                             blocks of content that are repeated on multiple Web pages. This may be done
                             by providing a link at the top of each page that goes to the main content area.
                             (Ref. WCAG 2.4.1)

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