Page 76 - GIGW2
P. 76
CH 06 Design
that can be applied to objects. Icons, if used properly can be a powerful technique for
communication and attracting attention. They can hold the users attention, add interest
to a website and quickly convey information. They are also free from the barriers of
6.3.1 While using national identity symbols like Flag, National Emblem etc., it MUST
be ensured that the images are in a proper ratio and colour.
6.3.2 The graphic elements like buttons and icons should be simple and their meaning
and symbolism should be self explanatory and relevant.Buttons and Icons should
be large enough to be distinguishable on a high-resolution monitor, since the
display size of components decreases with the increase in the screen resolution.
6.4.1 The content of the site should be readable with default standard fonts.
6.4.2 Fonts like Verdana and Georgia that are suited for screen viewing may be used.
Text that must be in a particular font for reasons such as branding may use an
image and provide the same as Alt text. (Ref. Section: 6.6.3)
6.4.3 When using Hindi/Regional language fonts the page MUST be tested on major
browsers for any inconsistency (loss of layout). Unicode character must be used.
6.4.4 Italic fonts are not legible in small font sizes. Paragraphs in all capital characters
and italics should be used sparingly as they hinder legibility in big blocks of text.
6.4.5 It is author’s responsibility to create Web content that does not prevent the
user agent (e.g. browser) from scaling the content effectively, therefore Except
for captions and images of text, text MUST be resizable without the use of
assistive technology by upto 200% without loss of content or functionality.
(Ref. WCAG 1.4.4)
6.4.6 Font properties should be such that the text MUST be readable both in electronic
and print format and the content MUST print correctly on an A4 size paper.
6.5.1 Proper contrast between text and background is essential for users who have low