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                                                               for Indian Government Apps & Websites

                      Quality of Content


                      Citizen Orientation

                      The  crucial  element  of  an  effective  presence  of  Government  on  the Web  is  the  way
                      its content is written and packaged. Indian Government websites should be oriented
                      towards their prospective audience. Intended audience to the Government website could
                      be Citizens, Businesses, Government Departments as well as Government employees.
                      Following are the guidelines towards the same:

                      5.1.1  The content should be selected keeping the audience in mind, not from the
                             Government’s  perspective.  Apart  from  the  selection  of  the  content,  equal
                             emphasis should be given to the way it is written and presented on the web.
                             Content aimed at the common public should be written in such a way that
                             people from diverse professional, educational and demographic backgrounds can
                             easily comprehend the same.
                      5.1.2  Homepage of the website should be designed carefully and effectively to provide
                             a good interface for the citizen. Homepages should ideally not feature details
                             of  individuals  and  office  bearers  of  the  Department.  Those  details  may  be
                             appropriate on the “About Us” or “Who’s who” page.

                      5.1.3  In order to gauge the content requirements of the citizens, who are the prime
                             target audience of any Government website, Government Departments may use
                             following means to determine the best way to identify and package information
                             for citizens and other stakeholders:

                                   •  Discussion Forums
                                   •  User satisfaction surveys
                                   •  Online feedback from citizens
                                   •  Analysing website usage reports, including search terms and statistics
                                   •  Usability testing and research

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