Page 112 - GIGW2
P. 112
CH 10 Website Management
c. Broken Links: The website should be thoroughly reviewed to rule out the
presence of any broken links or errors. A number of tools and techniques are
now available to easily detect the broken links in a website.
d. Traffic Analysis: The site traffic should be regularly monitored to analyse the
usage patterns as well as visitors’ profile and preferences. Traffic Analysis tools
also give reports on broken links.
e. Feedback: Feedback from the visitors is the best way to judge a website’s
performance and make necessary improvements. A proper mechanism for
feedback analysis should be in place to carry out the changes and enhancements
as suggested by the visitors.
Archiving of Documents
Government websites generally are storehouses of a large number of documents and
reports, which are of relevance and importance to specific audiences as well as citizens at
large. Many times, these documents also have historical importance and are also referred
to extensively for academic and research purposes. These documents can be accessed
online only for a specific period of time and need to be moved to offline archives on
the expiry of the pre-decided duration. This is important since these old documents
sometimes need to be referred to for regulatory or legal purposes.
The Departments MUST have a well-defined Archival Policy with regard to such old
documents stating the duration for which they would be kept online, when would they
be moved to offline archives and if/when would they be permanently deleted or purged.
Compliance with Guidelines and Standards
Since these guidelines aim at fulfilling the common objective of making the Indian
Government websites citizen friendly and conform to high standards of quality, the
website development and management teams in all Departments should endeavor to
comply with these guidelines in earnest spirit.
Further, the website management teams should ensure that all Government websites
undergo and clear a security audit carried out by an authorised empaneled agency before
being hosted, as well as after major revisions.