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                                                               for Indian Government Apps & Websites

                             and many essential content maintenance functions. Usually the software provides
                             interface  where  users  with  little  or  no  knowledge  of  programming  languages
                             and markup languages can create and manage content with relative ease of use.
                             A wide variety of CMS solutions are available right from customised CMS to
                             enterprise class CMS software available commercially as well as in free domain.

                             Ease  of  use,  support  for  a  variety  of  content,  automated  templates,  content
                             workflow  management  are  some  of  the  features  to  be  looked  into  in  CMS
                             software. For small scale websites, developers could also develop website specific
                             CMS solutions, as it may turn out to be cost effective in many instances.

                      10.2.3  Web Analytic tools
                             Many organisations rely on statistics regarding site usage to measure the impact
                             of the site and also for reorganising or enhancing their website further. Some use
                             simple counters while others use more sophisticated Web analyser tools to obtain
                             data. Counters add little value to a site and often appear to be self-congratulatory.
                             Web analyzer tools provide more information and are virtually transparent to the
                             end user, therefore Web analyser tools should be the standard means of collecting
                             site usage data. Counters should not be used to perform this function.

                      10.2.4  Validation and Testing
                             The code of the webpages, scripts and applications may be tested manually or
                             with automated tools to ensure that the quality of web content is maintained and
                             all compliance related guidelines are adhered to.


                      Website Monitoring

                      Web being a dynamic medium, changes in terms of technologies, access devices and even
                      the users requirements happen frequently. Keeping this in mind, Indian Government
                      websites MUST have a website monitoring policy in place. Websites must be monitored
                      periodically in accordance with the plan to address and fix the quality and compatibility
                      issues around the following parameters:

                           a.   Performance:  Site  download  time  should  be  optimised  for  a  variety  of
                                network connections as well as devices. All important pages of the website
                                should be tested for this.

                           b.   Functionality:  All  modules  of  the  website  should  be  tested  for  their
                                functionality. Moreover, interactive components of the site such as discussion
                                boards, opinion polls, feedback forms etc. should be working smoothly.

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