Page 104 - GIGW2
P. 104
CH 09 Website Promotion
9.1.4 Search engines only consider limited number of keywords when indexing pages.
Government websites should present keywords in the order of priority and
without duplication.
9.1.5 The content of the web page should be in textual form as far as possible, including
hyperlinks. Important points/programmes/schemes etc. should be highlighted as
headings marked by HTML heading tag.
9.1.6 HTML links should be specific. Instead of just ‘Our Programmes’, a link saying
‘The Programmes of Department name’ will be more favourable for a search
9.1.7 Link exchange with related Government sites increases the weightage of the site
for search engines, thus improving its ranking in search results. It will also bring
more visitors, who are looking for similar schemes, services or information, to
the site.
Website Promotion Techniques
Apart from search engines the website may be promoted through other media like print,
television etc. This will prompt casual visitors to browse the website and if they find the
information useful, they may visit the site more often.
9.2.1 All the advertisements/public messages including Press Releases, Tender
Notifications etc. issued in the Newspapers/Audio-visual media by the concerned
Department MUST prominently mention the URL of the web site clearly in order
to give it due publicity. It should be directed that no press release or advertisement
of any Government Department shall be issued to the press without checking the
presence of the URL of the website and necessary steps should also be taken to
ensure the presence of relevant corresponding information on the website.
9.2.2 All the stationery items of the Department such as Letterheads, Visiting Cards
Publicity material such as Brochures, Pamphlets and documents such as the
Annual Report etc. MUST display the URL of the web site.
9.2.3 The website URL may become a part of the mail signature for all the outgoing
mails from the Departments and its employees.
9.2.4 The website should also be promoted by link exchange with other Government
websites as well as international websites.