Page 103 - GIGW2
P. 103


                                                               for Indian Government Apps & Websites

                      Website Promotion

                      Web is a medium of mass information dissemination. With the exponential growth in
                      the number of websites, which has even crossed the one billion mark, the question of
                      visibility on the Internet/Web has assumed critical significance.

                      The ultimate aim of any Government website should be to provide information and
                      services  to  as  many  citizens  as  possible.  The  existence  of  any  Government  site  lying
                      inaccessible on the web is meaningless. For this purpose a conscious and concentrated
                      effort has to be made to increase the reach of the website.

                      Therefore, the importance of website promotion, especially in the context of Government
                      websites which aim to reach the largest possible number of citizens and stakeholders
                      cannot be overemphasised.


                      Search Engine Optimisation

                      People usually search for a website through search engines. Therefore searching for a site
                      in a search engine by using the Department name or the services offered by it as keywords
                      should preferably bring the website in the first five results on major search engines.

                      In order to achieve this, the following guidelines may be followed:

                      9.1.1  The Page Title should include useful and distinctive indication of the contents
                             and  should  be  self-explanatory.  The  HTML  title  should  be  chosen  carefully
                             considering its role in search engine indexing, query responses, window title bar
                             and in bookmark labels. (Ref. 2.1.6)

                      9.1.2  Department name, services offered, schemes, location etc. should form a part of
                             the Meta information (meta tags) of the HTML page. The important meta tags
                             that MUST be included are  keywords and description tag. These tags are present
                             in the <head> portion of the html page and while they are not displayed as part
                             of the page content in web, search engines can read them.

                      9.1.3  Search engines often display the first few lines of a Web page to help searchers to
                             identify the sites they want to visit. The description meta tag should be used to
                             provide guidance to search engines on what to present to the users in the search

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