Page 93 - GiGW3
P. 93

5. Guidelines

             Statement: It has been ensured that all stationery of the                                                                                              Government organisation action: Clearly define and approve the website related policies listed                                                          offend/harm  the  National  sentiments  as  well  as  security  and  integrity  of  the  country  must  be                                              generated by the impl

             government organisations as well as advertisements/public                                                                                              above. WIM must ensure their implementation throughout the website life cycle                                                                          avoided  on  the  website.  The  government  organisations  must  designate  the  officials  who  will                                                   website using the too
                                                                                                                                                                    Developer  action:  Citizen-facing  policies  like  copyright  policy,  privacy  policy  and  terms  and                                               implement  the  content  moderation  and  approval  policy  (content  creator,  moderator  and/or
             messages issued by the concerned organisation                                                                                                          conditions must be published on the website.                                                                                                           approver) as required.                                                                                                                                  Statement: There are

             prominently display the URL of the website.                                               5.4.2                                                        Evaluator action: The evaluator will:                                                                                                                  Developer action: Ensure CMS has an in-built workflow for content moderation and approval.                                                               pages.

                                                                                                                                                                           (a)     Compare during the backend audit the policies given in WQM and those available at                                                       Evaluator action: The evaluator will check that:
             Benefit:  By  mentioning  the  URL  prominently  on  all  stationery  and  publicity  material  of  the                                                        the website for consistency; and                                                                                                                        (a)     The policy defined in WQM provides commitment to ensure that the website content
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Benefit:  Visitors  ha
             government organisation, the Website can be promoted to attract visitors who may benefit from                                                                  (b)    Check the implementation of these policies by examining the documented records                                                                  is free from offensive/ discriminatory language.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   construction” pages t
             the information and services being delivered by the government organisation.                                                                                  generated by the implementation.                                                                                                                        (b)     Developer action has been implemented.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Government organisati
             Government  organisation  action:  The  government  organisations  must  ensure  publishing  of                                                                                                                                                                                                                        (c)     Randomly picked contents fulfil the policy.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Also, the government
             government website URL prominently on all stationery and publicity materials such as letterheads,                                                      Statement: The mechanism is in place to check the accuracy of                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Republic Day speech o
             visiting cards, publicity material such as brochures, pamphlets and documents such as the annual                                                       Hyperlinked Content and clear indications are given when a                                                                                             Statement: Documents/pages in multiple languages are                                                                                                    Developer action: Avo

             report  etc;  advertisements,  press  releases,  tender  notifications  etc.  issued  in  the  newspapers/                                                                                                                                                                                                     updated simultaneously.                                                                                                                                 Evaluator action: The
             audio-visual media. Also, ensure publishing regular and updated news related to the Government                                                         link leads out to a non-government website.
             and in the interest of the citizens to attract citizens.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Benefit: Helps avoid inconsistencies, at any point, between the various language versions, thus                                                          Statement: Documents
             Developer  action:  Promote  government  websites/apps  by  linking  with  other  government                                                           Benefit: Hyperlinking content across different websites/apps can occasionally cause ambiguity in

             websites/apps as well as international websites. Provision may be provided on the website/apps to                                                      the mind of the visitors about the owner of a particular portion of content and whom to be                                                             offering visitors the same content in multiple languages.                                                                                               or other accessible f
             send  regular  updates  on  the  website/app  through  an  electronic  newsletter  to  registered  and                                                 contacted in case of any query. Therefore, it helps to verify content accuracy before linking to an                                                    Government organisation action: Translate all content simultaneously.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Developer action: Ensure mechanism for publishing content in multiple languages and to display
 Statement: The government organisation has nominated a Web   interested users.                                                                                     external website and thereafter clearly indicating when a visitor is being led to an external website.                                                 the status of non-translated content.                                                                                                                   Benefit:  Enhanced  ac

 Information Manager (WIM) as defined in the guidelines.  Evaluator action: The evaluator will check during the backend audit by examining the stationery            Government  organisation  action:  Define  the  Hyperlinking  policy,  duly  approved  by  the  WIM.                                                    Evaluator action:  The evaluator shall check the website contents manually to see conformity with                                                       should be able to use
             (e.g.,  letterhead,  tender  document,  email  signature,  Visiting  Cards,  Publicity  material  such  as                                             Check the accuracy of the linked content regularly.                                                                                                    this.                                                                                                                                                   Government organisati
             Brochures,  Pamphlets  and  documents  such  as  the  Annual  Report  etc;  Advertisements,  Press                                                     Developer action: Ensure alert mechanism to notify the visitor when clicking any link will lead to an                                                                                                                                                                                                          version of all scanne
 Benefit: WIM can ensure a proper flow of content to the website/app and ensure that content
             Releases, Tender Notifications etc.) conformity with this.                                                                                              external website                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Developer action: Ens
 quality and user satisfaction issues are taken care of. WIM will achieve this by coordinating with the                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Statement: Mechanism is in place to ensure that there
                                                                                                                                                                    Evaluator action: The evaluator will check that:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Evaluator action: The
 various groups within the government organisation and undertaking multiple activities with regard                                                                         (a)    The policy defined in WQM is consistent with that available on the website; and                                                           are no ‘broken links’ (internal as well as external) or
 to the Indian Government website being maintained by her/him. For instance, formulating policies   Statement: Website has the following clearly defined policies and       (b)   The mechanism is completely and correctly defined in WQM and the same has been
 for content management to update authentic content and manage it through the entire life cycle,   plans approved by the Web Information Manager (WIM):  5.4.3             implemented by examining the documented records generated by the implementation.                                                                ‘Page not found’ errors.                                                                                                                                Statement: Website/ap
 e.g.,  creation,  moderation,  approval,  publishing  and  archival  getting  the  website  certified  for                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         language selection li

 guidelines conformity and ensuring conformity throughout its lifecycle.         (a)     Copyright Policy                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Benefit:  Presence of broken links and page not found errors will frustrate the visitors and reduce
 Government organisation action: The government organisation must appoint a WIM who must be        (b)     Content Contribution, Moderation & Approval (CMAP) policy  Statement: It is ensured through content moderation and approval                                                                                     the trust level of citizens                                                                                                                             Benefit: India is a co
 a senior official not below the rank of a Joint Secretary (JS).       (c)     Content Archival (CAP) policy                                                         policy that Website content is free from offensive/                                                                                                    Government  organisation  action:  Define  the  Hyperlinking  policy,  duly  approved  by  the  Web                                                      use of websites/apps
 Developer action: Display complete contact details of the WIM on the website, so that visitors        (d)     Content Review (CRP) policy                          discriminatory language.                                                                                                                               Information Manager                                                                                                                                     regional languages ve

 could contact him/her in case of some queries or requirements.       (e)     Hyper linking Policy                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Developer  action:  Ensure  that  ‘broken  links’  or  those  leading  to  ‘Page  Not  Found’  errors  are                                              Government organisati
 Evaluator action: The evaluator will check the website for WIM details and will compare the same        (f)     Terms & Conditions                                 Benefit: Content that is free from offensive/discriminatory language helps in promoting inclusivity                                                     checked  on  a  regular  basis  and  are  rectified  or  removed  from  the  website  immediately  upon                                                  which content is wide
 with  the  WIM  details  in  Website  Quality  Manual  (WQM).  Further  during  the  backend  audit  the        (g)     Website Monitoring Plan                    and enhances the user experience, attracting visitors to frequent the website/app for information                                                      discovery. Use appropriate technology tools available for convenient discovery of broken links.                                                         Developer action: Ens
 evaluator  will  interview  WIM  to  assess  his/  her  awareness  and  competence  regarding  the   Benefit: Having clearly defined policies helps ensure efficient management of the website and its   and services they gain from.                                                                                        Evaluator  action:  The  evaluator  shall  check  that  the  mechanism  is  completely  and  correctly                                                  testing to ensure acc

 responsibilities  content throughout the life cycle of the website.                                                                                                Government organisation action: Any information in text, visual or any other media which may                                                           defined  in  the  WQM  and  verify  the  implementation  by  examining  the  documented  records                                                         Evaluator  action:  T

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