Page 37 - GiGW3
P. 37

5. Guidelines

 Statement: Ownership information is displayed on the   Statement: Due permissions have been obtained for   Statement: Complete information including title, size, format and   Government organisation action: The attributes as specified in the guideline must be provided   Statement: All information about the government organisation   Statement: Feedback is collected through online forms and a   Statement: The website has been tested on multiple browsers.       Statement: Website uses C

 homepage/homescreen and on all important entry   publishing any content protected by copyright.  usage instructions is provided for all downloadable   with each Circular, Notification, Document, Form, Scheme, Service and Recruitment notice  which is useful to users is present in the ‘About us’ section and a    mechanism is in place to ensure timely response to   Hindi/Regional language fonts have been tested on popular                                         control layouts/styles an
 Developer action: Ensure provision of all fields necessary for publishing of all information about
 pages/screens of the website/app and each subsequent page/  material.  documents, schemes, services, along with the necessary archival procedures to archive the   mechanism is in place to keep the information up to date.  5.1.9  feedback/queries received through the website.                                     browsers for any inconsistency (loss of layout).                                                                                                      to ensure that the interf

 screen is a standalone entity in terms of ownership,   Benefit:  Publishing copyrighted information after obtaining due permission protects the   information once the validity expires.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       different screen sizes.
 government organisation from legal issues, establishes an environment of respect for information   Benefit:  Downloading material from the Internet can be an expensive and time-consuming   Benefit: Helps the visitor access all information about the government organisation, useful for the                          Benefit: Visitors can easily read content and interact with the website in their native language, thus
 navigation and context of content.  copyrighted by others in addition to discouraging plagiarism.  exercise. Therefore, government websites/apps must prov ide Information that will help visitors   Evaluator action: The evaluator shall manually test the website/app for verifying conformity with   citizen.  Benefit: Helps the visitors to express their ideas, satisfaction levels, suggestions etc. that can be   improving the website’s accessibility and reach.

 Government organisation action: The government organisation must follow proper procedures to   determine whether they want to access downloadable material. Providing all required information   this.  Government organisation action:  The  government  organisation  must  prepare  the  content   valuable inputs for enhancement of future versions of the website. Additionally, government   Government organisation action: None.                                     Benefit:  For the visitors
 Benefit: Helps to build trust in the visitors and reinforces the government organisation’s branding.   obtain the permission, prior to publishing any information that is copyrighted by any third party.  about downloadable material helps improve clarity & accessibility, especially for those using   describing itself for the About us section.  organisations can learn meaningful insights about the usage pattern of the website, which can   Developer action: Ensure use of Unicode characte
 Also, search engines use the ownership information to verify the legitimacy of the websites/apps   Developer action: None.  assistive technologies.  Statement: All outdated Announcements, Tenders, Recruitment   Developer action: Ensure the website/app has an About us page.  further help to focus on near and far term enhancements.   also, testing of the website on multiple browsers and versions of browsers, operating systems,                                  developers, CSS offers ea
 and accord higher ranks in search results.  Evaluator action: The evaluator shall check the implementation of copyright policy in backend   Government organisation action: Provide all necessary content details to the content team. The   notices, News and Press Releases are removed from   Evaluator action: The evaluator shall manually test the website/app for verifying the content as   Government organisation action: Ensure feedback received is processed on a regular basis.  connecti

 Government organisation action: Provide complete ownership information for publishing on the   audit.  total size of the file should be kept to a minimum to ensure acceptable download times for all users,   the website/app and/or placed into the archives   required by this checkpoint is present on the website. The evaluator shall verify the conformity to   Developer action: Ensure providing the mechanism to collect structured feedback from visitors   Evaluator action: The evaluator s
 website                                                                                                                                                           using Forms. Also, ensure responding to the feedback explaining how it will be processed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   document code is also red
 especially those that do not have high-speed, reliable Internet connections. Prior to making   as per the archival policy  the mechanism required in the checkpoint through backend audit.  Evaluator action:  The evaluator shall manually test the website/app for verifying that the                                 conformity to this checkpoint.
 Developer action: Ensure display of ownership information, either in the header or footer, on the   Statement: Homepage/homescreen of the website/app  downloadable material available for visitors, government organisations should check for viruses                                                                                                                                                                                                                        presentational markup.
 homepage/homescreen and all-important entry pages/screens of the website/app.  and malware.                                                                       feedbacks are collected through online forms at the website. The evaluator shall verify the                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Government organisation a

 Evaluator action: The evaluator shall manually test the website/app for verifying conformity with   displays the last updated/ reviewed date.   Benefit: Outdated and irrelevant content must not be served to the visitors and there should be a   Statement: Website/app has a ‘Contact us’ page providing   conformity to the mechanism required in the checkpoint through backend audit.  Statement: The website/app has a readily available Help                          Developer action: Use CSS
 Developer action: Ensure that there is a mechanism in the CMS to input the following information
 this.  proper archival section to access the outdated content.  complete contact details of important functionaries in the                                                                                                                                                                                              section linked from all pages of the website.                                                                                                         a responsive interface fo
 about the downloadable material:
 Benefit: Providing information about the last updated/reviewed date helps visitors to build trust   Government organisation action: The government organisation must ensure that the expiry date   government organisation and this is linked from the homepage/   Statement: Website/app provides a prominent link to the                                                                                                                                                     Evaluator action: The eva
 (a) Self-explanatory title of the document/file;  is provided for all time sensitive content                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   conformity to this checkp
 Statement: Association to government is demonstrated by the use   Statement: Source of all documents, not owned by the dept.   that the government organisation is providing updated information. Also, search engines accord a   (b) Download and use instructions (install, open, view); and  Developer action: Ensure that the mechanism is in place to automatically remove the content   homescreen and all relevant places on the website/app.  5.1.10  ‘National Portal’ from the homepage and w
 higher ranking to web sites that publish updated content, so they will automatically appear

 of emblem/logo in proper ratio and colour, prominently displayed   that have been reproduced in part or full, is mentioned.  amongst the top-ranking sites on search results.  (c) File format and file size.  after the expiry date or move it to the archives as per the approved Archival Policy.  belonging to the ‘National Portal’ load in the new browser   Government organisation action: None
 Evaluator action: The evaluator shall manually test the website/app for verifying conformity with                                                                 window.                                                                                                                                               Developer action: Must include Help content which allows for an easy and convenient navigation
 on the homepage of the website or homescreen of the app.  Government organisation action:  Publish regular and updated content  for publishing on the   this.  Evaluator action: The evaluator shall manually test the website/app for verifying conformity with   Benefit: Enables users to contact any government organisation or entity to ask questions, get   for the visitor to the website/app (e.g., online help, how to open files of certain formats, how to
 Benefit: Audiences can rely upon the credibility of authentic information being published by the   website/app and review the content of the website/app as per the content review policy.  this.  information, seek clarifications and resolve problems.                                                                 access audio/video on the portal, kinds of plug-ins required etc.). Further, the content which
 government organisation. Additionally, giving the credit to the authoring organisation helps   Developer action:  Ensure publishing, on the homepage/homescreen and every important entry   Government organisation action: Provide complete  contact information on the Contact us or   Benefit:, the National Portal of India (NPI) is a single window source for access to all
 Benefit:  Reassures visitors that the government website/app is authentic and trustworthy.   establish an environment of respect for intellectual property of other organisations and   page/screen, of the date on which the information was posted on the website/app, or the date on   Statement: In respect of each circular, notification, document,   Who’s who sections or on the Directory page, including the telephone numbers/fax numbers,   information and services being provided by the va
 Moreover, the government organisation’s brand identity is reinforced.    discourages plagiarism.  which the content was last reviewed and/or modified.  form, scheme, service and recruitment notice, the following   postal address and email addresses, along with the timings, if any, earmarked for personal/public   its citizens and other stakeholders. Linking to the NPI will help visitors find information or services   included in this category. Help should be linked from all pages of th
 Government organisation action: Government organisations must select proper visual identity   Government organisation action:  If  any published  government document/report is being   Evaluator action: The evaluator shall manually test the   dealing.  they could not find easily on a government organisation website.  displayed in a consistent location across the website.

 elements like emblems or logos to highlight government ownership of the website/app. The State   reproduced on the government organisation’s website/app, whether as excerpts or in full, the   website/app for verifying conformity with this.  should be clearly listed on the website/app:  Developer action: Ensure that the CMS has the provision to publish   Government organisation action:  The government organisation website/app must provide a   Evaluator action: The evaluator shall man
 emblem of India must be displayed on the homepages of the websites and homescreens of the   organisation must cite the source of the same (complete title of the document/report, along with   the contact details of citizen-facing functionaries in the government   prominent link to the National Portal from the homepage and other important pages of citizen’s   checkpoint.
 apps of Central Government Ministries/Departments. State Governments should display their   the name of the owner organisation and the year of publication).  (a) Complete title;  organisation.  interest.

 Emblems and public Sector organisations and autonomous bodies should display their official logo   Developer action: Ensure provision of appropriate data input fields in the CMS to input the source   (b) Language (if other than English);   Evaluator action: The evaluator shall manually test the   Developer action: Ensure that the government website/app provides a prominent link to the
 on the homepage of the website or homescreen of the app to reinforce their identity  (owner organisation of each published document/report and the year of publication).  (c) Purpose/procedure to apply (as applicable); and  website/app for verifying conformity with this.  National Portal  from the homepage  and  other important pages  of  citizen’s  interest.  Also, the
 Developer action: Visual Identity elements (logos and emblem) must prominently stand out on the   Evaluator action: The evaluator shall manually test the website/app for verifying conformity with   (d) Validity (where applicable).   hyperlinked pages belonging to the National Portal must load into a newly opened browser window
 page, in a proper ratio and colour. Developers must ensure that all logo images are accompanied by   this.                                                        of visitors.
 proper alternate text so that the screen reader users may be informed of the same. The usage of   Benefit: Details such as the correct title, language, validity, purpose, procedures would lead to an   Evaluator action: The evaluator shall manually test the website/app for verifying conformity to this

 the State Emblem of India must comply with the provisions of the State Emblem of India   accurate search output for information on that scheme/service/recruitment notice etc and it   checkpoint.
 (Prohibition of Improper Use) Act, 2005.  would be easy for the users to locate & use these documents, schemes, services etc.
 Evaluator action: The evaluator shall manually test the website/app for verifying conformity with

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