Page 138 - GIGW2
P. 138

Compliance  Matrix

                      S.No.                          GUIDELINE                            REF. No.
                       34    Documents are provided either in HTML or other accessible formats.  7.4.2 (a)
                             Download details (File Format Size) & instruction for viewing these
                             is provided.
                       35    Mechanism is in place to ensure that all tender/recruitment notices are   4.2.8,
                             published/linked through the website.
                       36    All documents have a publish date on the main page.            5.2.5
                      2.  Accessibility Guidelines

                        1    All non-text content (like images) has a text alternative that provides   6.6.3
                             equivalent information as the image itself.
                        2    Scanned Images of text have not been used.                     6.6.1

                        3    The visual presentation of text and images of text has a contrast ratio   6.5.1
                             of at least 4.5:1 between the foreground and background. Large scale
                             text and images of text have a contrast ratio of 3:1.
                        4    Text can be resized without assistive technology up to 200 percent   6.4.5
                             without loss of content or functionality.
                        5    There is a mechanism to pause, stop or hide scrolling, blinking or auto  6.7.3 (b)
                             updating content that starts automatically and lasts for more than 5
                        6    Web pages do not contain any content that flashes for more than three  6.7.3 (a)
                             times in a second.
                        7    Instructions provided for understanding and operating content do not   7.5 (d)
                             rely solely on sensory characteristics such as shape, size, visual location,
                             orientation, or sound.
                        8    Color is not used as the only visual means of conveying information,   6.5.4
                             indicating an action, prompting a response, or distinguishing a visual
                        9    Captions or transcript  are provided for all prerecorded  and live audio   6.7.2
                             and video content.
                                                                                            (a, b)
                       10    For any audio on a Web page that plays automatically for more than 3  6.7.3 (c)
                             seconds, a mechanism is available to pause, stop or control the volume
                             of the audio independently by from system volume level.
                       11    Information, structure, and relationships that are conveyed visually on   5.6.3
                             a web page must also be programmatically determined or are available
                             in text.
                       12    When the sequence in which content is presented affects its meaning, a   5.6.4
                             correct reading sequence can be programmatically determined.
                       13    All functionality that is available on the web page is operable through   7.5 (f)

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