Page 32 - Approved Social Media Framework and Guidelines
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(vi) Biometric information;
(vii) any detail relating to the above clauses as provided to body corporate for
providing service; and
(viii) any of the information received under above clauses by body corporate for
processing, stored or processed under lawful contract or otherwise:
Provided that, any information that is freely available or accessible in public domain
or furnished under the Right to Information Act, 2005 or any other law for the time
being in force shall not be regarded as sensitive personal data or information for the
purposes of these rules.
x. For the purposes of protecting such sensitive personal data, the Government has
mandated that any legal entity who is processing, dealing or handling sensitive
personal data must implement reasonable security practices and procedures.
xi. The Government further stipulate that ISO 27001 is one acceptable standard of
reasonable security practices and procedures. Thus, all Government departments
which are providing social media facilities must comply with ISO 27001. In case the
Government departments do not comply with ISO 27001 and provides social media
facilities on which network sensitive personal data is going to be stored, processed
or handled or dealt, the said Government department could be in breach of the law
and could face legal consequences.
xii. Further under the Information Technology (Intermediary guidelines) Rules, 2011,
since the said Government department who is provide social media facilities is an
intermediary, it has to comply with the Information Technology (Intermediary
guidelines) Rules, 2011. Under Rule 3(4) of the said rules, the Government
department shall act within thirty six hours on receiving the written complaint form
an affected person and where applicable, work with user or owner of such
information to disable such information that is in contravention of sub-rule (2).
xiii. Further the Government department shall preserve such information and associated
records for at least ninety days for investigation purposes.
xiv. In case, if the Government department does not comply with any of the above
requirements of law, then the said Government department as also the concerned
head of the department who is responsible for the social media facilities and the
concerned IT head would be liable for civil and criminal consequences.
xv. The civil consequences could consist of being sued for damages by way of
compensation upto 5 crore Rupees under summary proceedings before the
adjudicatory authorities specially constituted under the Information Technology Act,
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