Page 87 - GiGW3
P. 87

5. Guidelines

             (h)    Use an orchestration platform – These systems usually provide secure API endpoints as well
             as role-based access control (RBAC), which can help minimise the risk of unauthorised access.
             (i)     Use immutable deployments – This involves creating an instance image during the build steps.

             The deployment can then use this image to create new instances. To update the application, new
             images should be created, spin up new instances and then destroy the old ones.
             (j)     Create separate virtual networks for the containers – This introduces a level of isolation that
             can reduce the attack surface.
             (k)     Apply the principle of least privilege – Allow connectivity only between containers that truly

             need it.
             (l)     Expose only the ports that serve the application – Do not expose any other ports, except for
             SSH. Apply this principle to containers as well as the underlying machines.

             (m)    Use  TLS  to  secure  communication  between  services  –  This  process  encrypts  traffic  and
             ensures only authorised endpoints are allowed.
             (n)     Use the Docker Image policy plugin – This plugin is designed to prevent any process from
             pulling images that were not previously allow-listed.
             (o)     Enable TLS everywhere – enable TLS for all supported components to defend against traffic

             sniffing and authenticate identities at both ends of each connection.
             (p)     Use a service mesh architecture – Service meshes are networks of persistent encrypted
             connections  between  high-performance  sidecar  proxies.  They  provide  traffic  monitoring,

             management and policy enforcement without affecting microservices.
             (q)     Use OPA – Open Policy Agent (OPA) enforces custom policies on a Kubernetes object without
             reconfiguring or recompiling the Kubernetes API server.
             (r)     Apply network policies – The default Kubernetes networking permits all traffic between pods,
             but can be restricted with a network policy.

             (s)     Implement private networks – Deploy each Kubernetes worker and master node on a private

             subnet to secure the connections to corporate networks, make nodes unreachable from the public
             Internet and minimise overall attack surface.

             (t)     Keep the etcd cluster separate – Use a firewall to protect the etcd cluster, which stores state
             and  secret  information  and  requires  special  protection  compared  to  other  Kubernetes
             (u)    Ensure  the  regular  rotation  of  encryption  keys  –  Regularly  rotating  encryption  keys  and
             certificates helps minimise the blast radius of an attack that compromises keys.

             (v)     Use static analysis for YAML – Statically analyse where pod security policies deny access to
             API  servers.  This  should  be  part  of  the  development  workflow  because  it  helps  identify  the
             organisation’s risk tolerance and conformity requirements.

             (w)     Manage secrets – Integrate clusters using a secret management system to ensure application
             pods automatically receive all secrets and passwords needed at runtime (based on the app roles

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