Page 115 - GiGW3
P. 115
Annexure II
S/N Lifecycle Management Guidelines Risks Addressed
1 The government organisation has nominated a WIM as defined Q1
in the guidelines.
It has been ensured that all stationery of the government
organisation as well as advertisements/public messages issued
2 Q2
by the government organisation concerned prominently display
the URL of the web site.
Website has the following clearly defined policies and plans
approved by the WIM.
(a) Copyright Policy
(b) Content Contribution, Moderation and Approval (CMAP)
(c) Content Archival (CAP) policy
(d) Content Review (CRP) policy
3 Q3, Q4,
(e) Hyper linking Policy Q5, Q7
(f) Privacy Policy
(g) Terms & Conditions
(h) Website Monitoring Plan.
(i) Contingency Management Plan
(j) Security Policy
The mechanism is in place to check the accuracy of
Hyperlinked Content and clear indications are given when a link
4 Q4
leads out to a non-government website.
It is ensured through content moderation and approval policy
5 that Website content is free from offensive/discriminatory Q7
Documents/Pages in multiple languages are updated
6 Q7
Mechanism is in place to ensure that there are no ‘broken links’
7 (internal as well as external) or ‘Page not found’ errors. Q7
8 There are no links to ‘under construction’ pages. Q7
Documents are provided either in HTML or other accessible
9 formats. Q9
Website is bilingual with a prominent language selection link and
10 Q9, Q6, Q7
uses Unicode characters.