Page 111 - GiGW3
P. 111

Annexure II

                        Functionality that can be operated by device
                        motion or user motion can also be operated by
                        user interface components and responding to
                        the motion can be disabled to prevent
                        accidental actuation, except when:
                        (a)    Supported Interface: The motion is used
                        to   operate     functionality    through     an
                        accessibility supported interface.
                        (b)    Essential: The motion is essential for the
                        function and doing so would invalidate the
                        (c)    Functionality that can be operated by
                        device motion or user motion must also be
                37                                                         WCAG 2.1- 2.5.4          A5
                        operable by user interface components and
                        responding to the motion can be disabled to
                        prevent accidental actuation, except when:
                        (d)    Supported Interface: The motion is used
                        to   operate     functionality    through     an
                        accessibility supported interface.
                        (e)    Essential: The motion is essential for the
                        function and doing so would invalidate the

                        The default human language of each Web page
                38                                                         WCAG 2.1 - 3.1.1      A1, A6, A7
                        can be programmatically determined.

                        The human language of each passage or phrase
                        in the content can be programmatically
                        determined     except    for   proper    names,
                39      technical terms, words of indeterminate            WCAG 2.1 - 3.1.2      A1, A6, A7
                        language and words or phrases that have
                        become part of the vernacular of the
                        immediately surrounding text.

                        When any user interface component receives
                40                                                         WCAG 2.1 - 3.2.1         A6
                        focus, it does not initiate a change of context.
                        change of context unless the user has been

                        Changing  the  setting  of any user interface

                41      component does not automatically cause a           WCAG 2.1 - 3.2.2            A6
                        advised  of the  behaviour  before using  the

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