Page 89 - GIGW2
P. 89
for Indian Government Apps & Websites
Scripting Languages
Scripting languages are an easy and fast means to enable or include more controls in Web
pages. They can be implemented either as Server side scripting languages using PHP, JSP,
PERL and ASP or as Client side scripting language using JavaScript.
7.3.1 Server side scripting languages should be preferred over Client side since client
side scripting may face issues of browser incompatibility, scripts being turned off
by browsers, security etc.
7.3.2 It should be ensured that pages are usable when scripts, applets, or other
programmatic objects are turned off or not supported. If this is not possible,
provide equivalent information on an alternative accessible page.
File Formats
Documents form a very important and significant component of Government websites.
Indian Government Websites should therefore provide access to documents in appropriate
File Formats that are based on open standards and do not impose an unnecessary burden
of downloading or acquiring specific software on the intended audience.
When choosing file format(s), Departments should consider: Intended use of the
material, Frequency of use, Accessibility of the format and Level of effort and time
required to convert the material to the specific format.
File formats for different forms of content are discussed below:
7.4.1 Graphics & Multimedia files
a. Sites should have image and graphic components in JPEG, PNG and GIF
formats and the same should be compressed without losing on visual quality
as far as possible, to allow faster downloads.
b. Multiple graphic images at the server may be used (such as providing a
thumbnail image with a link to a higher resolution graphic) to make the site
more usable even for low bandwidth connections.
c. Departments may use Web and multimedia technologies to enhance sites, on
the condition that all elements are accessible.
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