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                                         Over the years, the contribution of digital technologies towards the
                                 growth of economy and empowerment of citizens has increased. Today, these
                                 technologies are being used by everyone in their day-to-day activities and help
                                 citizens avail different services from their homes. Different government bodies
                                 have established their web presence through different websites and mobile apps.
                                 These websites and apps offer information and services to one and all. However,
                                 varied nomenclatures, different layout standards, navigation strategies as well
                                 as different technologies have defeated the very purpose of these websites.

                                         National  Portal  of  India,  a  mission  mode  project,  provides  single
                                 window access to information & services offered by different entities of the
                                 Indian government at all levels. National Portal of India has a vision to promote
                                 engaging digital initiatives. This portal was set up as a single point access to
                                 government information and services and it aggregates the content from more
                                 than 8000 websites of Indian Government. With the goal of improving the
                                 inherent  quality  of  government  websites,  a  Content  Advisory  Committee
                                 was constituted to look into the means to enhance the intrinsic quality of
                                 Government Websites. On the basis of the advice of this committee, NIC
                                 formulated the first version of ‘Guidelines for India Government Websites’ in
                                 2009, which were adopted by  Department of Administrative Reforms and
                                 Public  Grievances  (DARPG).  This  was  also  included  in  Central  Secretariat
                                 Manual of Office Procedure.

                                         With the advent of Digital India Program and focus on multimodal
                                 delivery of citizen services, there has been a need to align these guidelines with
                                 the latest technology and trends. Based on this, DARPG, in association with
                                 the National Informatics Centre (NIC), has formulated the revised version of
                                 Guidelines for Indian Government Websites (GIGW). The new version of the
                                 guidelines are an outcome of feedback and consultations with industry, society,
                                 government departments and diligent reference to evolving standards set by
                                 International bodies like W3C. Additionally, guidelines pertaining to mobile
                                 apps have also been included in the new version. The revision makes these
                                 guidelines easier to adopt, and at the same time being comprehensive, and help
                                 to include latest enhancements in technology.

                                         It is expected that with the support and cooperation of all of the
                                 stakeholders these guidelines will go a long way in improving the quality of
                                 Indian government web space.
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