Page 36 - GIGW2
P. 36
CH 03 Building Confidence
Sample of alternate Copyright Statement
“Material on this site is subject to copyright protection unless otherwise
indicated. The material may be downloaded without requiring specific
prior permission. Any other proposed use of the material is subject to the
approval of (name of Department). Application for obtaining permission
should be made to (email address of the concerned Department).”
3.1.4 The Departments should also be sensitive towards publishing any information
having a third party copyright. The Government Departments MUST follow
proper procedures to obtain the permission, prior to publishing such information
on their websites.
3.1.5 If any published Government Document/Report is being reproduced on any
website, whether as excerpts or in full, the source of the same i.e. Full Title of the
Report/Document along with the name of the concerned Department and year
of publication MUST be provided.
Content Hyperlinking
3.2.1 Since Government websites often receive queries and requests from owners of
other websites who might want to provide a hyperlink to their web pages, every
Indian Government website MUST have a comprehensive and clear-cut hyper
linking policy defined and spelt out for those who wish to hyperlink content
from any of its sections. The basic hyper linking practices and rules should ideally
be common across the websites of a State/Ministry.
3.2.2 The hyperlinking policy enumerating the criteria and guidelines with respect to
hyperlinks with other sites may be made available under the common heading of
‘Hyperlinking Policy’ and displayed at a common point on the Homepage of all
sites under the ownership of a State/Ministry.
3.2.3 In case the concerned Department has no objection to anyone providing a
hyperlink to their website, the policy statement may be worded as: