Page 25 - GIGW2
P. 25
for Indian Government Apps & Websites
Government of India Identifiers
Indian Government Identity
Visitors to a Government website are very particular about ensuring the veracity and
authenticity of the official status of the website before trusting its contents. Hence, it
is important to convey in some way to the visitors that Indian Government officially
sponsors and owns the information and services being provided in the concerned website.
All websites and Portals belonging to the Indian Government Domain at any hierarchical
level (Apex Offices, Constitutional Bodies, Ministries, Departments, Organisations,
States/UTs, District Administrations, and Village Panchayats et al) must prominently
display a strong Identity and ownership of Indian Government. The above objective can
be achieved through the following:
2.1.1 State Emblem of India MUST be displayed on the Homepage of the websites
of Central Government Ministries/Departments. The usage of State Emblem of
India on an Indian Government website must comply with the directives as per
the ‘State Emblem of India (Prohibition of improper use) Act, 2005’. Further,
the State Governments should also display their Emblems (or the State Emblem
of India in case the State has adopted it as its official Emblem) as per the Code
provided in the above Act. Public Sector organisations and autonomous bodies
should display their official logo on the Homepage of the website to reinforce
their identity. These logo images must be accompanied by proper alternate text
so that the screen reader uses may be informed of the same.
2.1.2 The Homepage and all important entry pages of the website MUST display the
ownership information, either in the header or footer.
2.1.3 The lineage of the Department should also be indicated at the bottom of the
Homepage and all important entry pages of the website. For instance, at the
bottom of the Homepage, the footer may state the lineage information, in the
following manner:
a. ‘This Website belongs to Department of Heavy Industries, Ministry of
Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises, Government of India’
(for a Central Government Department).
b. ‘This Website belongs to Department of Industries, State Government of
Himachal Pradesh, India’ (for a State Government Department).
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