Bar Council of India

The Bar Council of India (BCI) logo is a visual representation of the council’s authority and dedication to regulating legal practice and education in India. Central to the logo are elements like the scales of justice, symbolizing fairness, balance, and the rule of law, and a quill or book, signifying legal scholarship and the importance of education. These symbols highlight the BCI’s commitment to upholding high standards of professional conduct and ethics among lawyers, as well as its role in accrediting law schools and ensuring the quality of legal education.

The logo may include the name “Bar Council of India” along with references to its establishment under the Advocates Act of 1961, reinforcing its statutory foundation and national significance. The inclusion of these elements underscores the BCI’s comprehensive mandate to represent the Indian bar, protect the rights and interests of advocates, and support their welfare through various schemes, embodying both its regulatory and representative functions.



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